07 February 2010

Cake Monochrome!

Alright, so cake was in order, and so cake has been made.
Inside it is a chocolate chip banana cake, and what you see covering it is a light layer of cream cheese frosting, all home made of course :)
(Just in case of amnesia, these are the same roses and leaves I created yesterday with the last post. Made of white chocolate "fondant" - not really fondant at all, and quite tasty too!)

One more close up for good measure.
(Thank you for the cake plate Amy! It's so handy for all these pretty pictures.) 
Here's a look inside!

06 February 2010

Royal Cupcakes

I finally executed my idea to rubber stamp fondant designs with food coloring! Check em' out!
Here are some of the trial runs... not so pretty.
Then I realized I could also do calligraphy on them, so I busted out my pens!
Here are my two favorite of the bunch:
And of course, since I had the fondant out, I had to play with roses again. Looks like I'm getting better at it!
Now if I just had the ingredients to make cakes and cupcakes for these beautiful creations... Time to make more cake.

01 February 2010

Faerie Cakes

Gold velvet with Swiss butter cream frosting and star sprinkles! I served these to my brother and his roommates when they visited last weekend on their way to the Bad Faerie Ball.